- 具有香港商業登記,受香港特區政府監管,營運規範、謹密。
- 通過可信網站嚴格交互審核的網站身份驗證,信心保證。
- 成為2013年香港最受歡迎品牌公司,殊榮彰顯實力。
- 業內媒體多次評選“最佳投資平台”、“貴金屬優質客戶口碑平台”、“最佳交易團隊”
- 出金暢通無阻,不問理由出金自由。
- 獨立的客戶資金帳戶,保證客戶資金與公司營運資金分開。未得客戶同意下,絕不能調動客戶的資金。
- 資金由香港持牌銀行保障安全。
- 客戶所有資料儲存在與外界斷開聯系的安全加密資料庫中,給予最高級別的保護。
- 首創微點差賬戶: 點差低至0.15。微成本,巨收益。
- 大田迷你賬戶: 試模擬不如玩迷你,創行內最低交易成本,測平台的最真實首選。
- 引進千克金銀: 創國內投資產品最低點差,有回點,低利息。
- 超低投資成本: 0傭金,0手續費,有回點。
- 超低入市門檻: 入金30美元即可交易,最低交易手數0.01手。
- 24小時不間斷交易,把握每一個行情起伏。
- 所有交易價格同步國際金融市場價格狀況。
- MT4交易平台,貴金屬國際性交易平台,快速、安全、可靠。
- 當市場價格處跳空的情況下,所有的強制平倉以設定的止盈止損為基準。
- 不設任何不良交易條款。
- 24小時在線客服,竭誠服務。
- 入金十分鐘,出金最快兩小時,分秒必爭。
- 提供第一手金融信息,掌握實時行情走勢。
大田集團於2001年成立於香港。主要從事中港地產,金融投資及貿易業務,並於2009 年在香港成立投資部門。坐擁於世界第三大國際金融中心香港中環,地理位置優異卓越,占地面積過萬呎,擁有龐大的資深金融管理團隊。大田金融集團雄厚的資金為大田金銀業集團有限公司提供了強而有力的支撐。
Risk Warning
Trading bullion and financial instruments carries significant risks and may not be suitable for all investors, requiring careful consideration of investment objectives, experience, and risk tolerance. Key risks include market volatility, leverage risks that can amplify gains or losses, liquidity issues that may prevent executing trades at desired prices, and technical failures in online trading systems. Prices fluctuate unpredictably, and past performance does not guarantee future results. CIDT Global Bullion Limited provides general market commentary but does not offer investment advice and is not liable for any losses incurred from reliance on its information, which may change without notice.
Jurisdiction Disclaimer
CIDT Global Bullion Limited's services are subject to local regulations and may not be available in all jurisdictions. Users are responsible for ensuring compliance with their local laws. Services are not provided in regions where they are prohibited by law, under international sanctions, or require licensing that the company does not hold. By using the platform, users confirm they are not in a restricted jurisdiction and accept full responsibility for legal compliance. The company reserves the right to decline or terminate services in restricted areas without prior notice.